Category: Parenting

Home Life

Mastering Potty Training in Daycare

Potty training is a significant and intricate developmental milestone that marks a major transition in a toddler’s life. It can be a bit daunting and


Dental Hygiene for Kids

We love to see your children smile! Healthy teeth are essential to the overall health of your child. They assist in eating and talking. Good

developmental milestiones

Learn the Alphabet

Let\’s Learn the Alphabet! Learning the alphabet is an important milestone for many toddlers and Pre-K students. At Sparkles! our curriculum focuses heavily on helping


Activities with Your Two to Four-month-old

Babies become more aware of their surroundings at this age than in the newborn stage. While they may not play with many toys, they discover

Home Life

How to Get Past Stubbornness

If you’ve ever tried to stuff a toddler into a car seat as she alternates between her best wet noodle impression and screaming like an