As Virginia Governor Ralph Northam indicated on June 23, Northern Virginia entered Phase 3 of the reopening process effective July 1, 2020. We understand that this means more of our parents will be returning to work, and as such, more children will be returning to our center.
To comply with the latest State Licensing Department, and CDC safety guidance for our industry, effective July 1, 2020, the following safety measures will be in place until new guidelines from our regulatory agencies are in effect:
- Parents will be required to use face-covering while at the center. Also, to prevent additional exposures, we are asking our parents to have only one person drop off and one person pick up and to avoid siblings going into other classrooms but their own.
- Staff members will be required to wear face-covering in the classroom while interacting with parents at drop off/pick up times. The staff will be encouraged to wear face-covering on and off throughout the day.
We understand that teachers with covered faces will affect the children bonding experience and their transition to the classrooms. Still, we also want to ensure that under this unprecedented situation, staff and children are as comfortable and safe as possible.
- We will continue to conduct regular health checks for staff and children to look for symptoms of sickness. We will continue taking children and staff temperatures twice a day. Sick children will be sent home and will be separated from their group until pick up. Sick staff members will be sent home.
- Children 2 years and older will be encouraged to wear face-covering in the classrooms; this is not a requirement. We encourage parents to bring properly labeled face coverings with their children.
Teachers will have games and activities designed to help the children get comfortable with face coverings and also to understand why their friends and adults are using face coverings.
- Our Administrative staff will be using face coverings while interacting with parents, and while in the classrooms.
- According to Phase 3 guidelines, we are now able to have group sizes of more than 10 individuals.
The classroom activities will continue to be modified to encourage social distancing, and big group activities are not permitted. Field trips and walks away from the center\’s premises are suspended.
- Staff and children will continue to hand wash with soap and water regularly; older children will be supervised to ensure this is happening.
- Frequently touched surfaces will continue to be clean and sanitize regularly.
- The professional cleaning crew will continue daily cleaning and disinfecting with hospital-grade products.
- Hand sanitizer will continue to be available in the lobby area for parents and staff.
- Visitors are not allowed in the classrooms.
If you have plans to return to work and need care, please let us know as soon as possible so we can be prepared and adequately staffed. Also, we recently revised our hours of operations based on the current needs of the center, and we will adjust this as needed based on the needs of our families. We want to be as safe and preemptive as possible, and for this, we need your feedback.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and partnership. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your Center Director or